This blog shows various projects and work of students.
Students can also find assignments on this blog and comment on other students work.

"The principle goal of education is to create men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done - men and women who are creative, inventive and discovers" -Piaget

The front cover (which is the top right picture) is awesome. I started our with the picture of the mountain and added a cutout filter to it in photoshop. Then I found another picture of a man on a beach with his arms raised and used the lasso tool and cut out the man and applied the cutout filter to it also. Then I transferred them over to Adobe illustrator. I added an arc to illustrator and typed "DESTINATION" following the arcs path and then typed the word "THE" to the right of it. I added a chisel effect to the lettering to make it look more rigid. Then I typed out the work "JOURNY" and added the silver image effect to it to create a cooler look to it. Then I went through and added the blue color to the inside of all the font and made the outline of the chisel white.


  1. this is also an awesome design :D

  2. Yeah secretly this SUCKS!!! JK :) It is pretty awesome, glad I could give you the idea to design this! ;)
