This blog shows various projects and work of students.
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"The principle goal of education is to create men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done - men and women who are creative, inventive and discovers" -Piaget

CD Design

On the front cover I uploaded the picture of the fireworks. Then I went into the filters and applied 2 different filters. Also I sharpened the edges, as well as adding a few more colors. I made some of the colors pop by using the brush and adding the same color along the streaks of the firework. After I applied my filters is when I really got the colors to pop in the picture! :)


  1. My only problem is that it does seem much like a country music album. I think this concept would be better for a pop-techno album.

  2. very nice....it is the best work you have done by far!!! :)
