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"The principle goal of education is to create men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done - men and women who are creative, inventive and discovers" -Piaget

Selma Jammin Jigs Logo Design


  1. i like the 2nd logo, the coloring is great on the worm, and there is great Unity with all of the elements.

    The 1st Logo, looks good too, but the ear phones look abit off.

  2. I love the second one, the coloring on it turned out awesome and it's very creative!!

    I think the fish on fish on the first one is a little off, and the J needs to come out from the side of the circle a little more.

  3. i like the second design the best. the coloring is really good!

    i think the fish in the first one could be a little better, and you cant tell there is one j in the first one.

  4. the second one is unique i like the worm idea

    the j's seem a little crunched on the first one

  5. The bottom one's the best one here.

  6. the two j's on the top one are kind of hidded and hard to tell that they are j's.
    but the worm ide on the bottom is really cool.

  7. i think you're the only person who didn't use a fish or a hook in both designs.

    maybe fix the J's in the first design a little bit 'cause they look a little cramped together.

  8. The colors in the second one are really good :)
    I like both designs a lot!
